The schedule of events and make-n-takes.
Friday, July 31st - Sunday, August 2nd
* Demos & Make-N-Takes
* Special in-store crops
* Sales on Stamps & More
* Enter to win great door prizes
*And more!
Bring your family, bring your friends – there will be enough fun for everyone!
Friday July 31st Open 10 AM for SALE
12-1 Craft time for kids $3 per project
1-2 Amuse Card Free Make N Take
2-3 Craft time for kids $5
Fabric CD Case or Backpack
4-5 Amuse Card Free Make N Take
(different project than earlier)
6-Midnight Bring a Friend for Free Crop
Crop prizes on the hour.
Saturday August 1st Open 10 AM for Sale
1-3 PM Never Ending Card with Tracy $19
2-5 Make N Take Cards $1 each – All prep
work done, you just need glue.
Make N Take Layouts $2.50 each
6-Midnight Bring Friend for Free Crop –
crop prizes on the hour.
Sunday August 2nd
Open 12-5 PM
All Day Make N Take cards & layouts
Cards $1 each
Layouts $2.50
Bring Adhesive if you do not like glue sticks