Wednesday, April 22, 2020

New Scrapbook Customs

Hi Everyone,

I hope this email finds you healthy and crafting.  As some of you know I have been doing daily Facebook live videos from the store showing new products, classes and some deals.  Usually I go live somewhere between 5:30 and 6:30 PM and then the video is then saved on the Facebook page.  During the videos, people comment and let me know if they want to order the items in the video.   

Some of the things I am going to show you from Scrapbook Customs have sold out already, like the covid stickers,  but I will order more!  The best way to order things is to send me an email with the items you want.  I am about a day behind answering and pulling orders.  Thank you for your orders and your patience!

New Scrapbook Customs

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