Here is a direct link.¤t=November2009classcalendarcopy.jpg
Saturday Ocotber 31st 1-3 PM
Never Ending Holiday card
Join Tracy for this fun flip folding card. Fee $18
Sunday November 1st 1-3 PM
Copic 101 with Lisa Hetrick
The class will cover practicing the 1,2,3,1 technique on the stamped images that you will build the cards with & demystifying the number coloring system and practicing the techniques. Fee $22 (if you bring your own Copics) or $39 and you get to pick 3 Copic markers.
Monday November 2nd 6-8 PM
SEI Family 8 x 8 Album
Join Tracy for this fast paced 20 page 8x8 album. You will even leave with left over papers and embellishments to make more pages. Fee $25
Wednesday November 4th 6-8 PM
Check out our first class:Digital Scrapbooking #99A
Organizing Your Digital Scrapbook Supplies and Photos (Windows Only - Does not apply to Apple computers) (2.5 hours)
Class Fee $35 + Organizer Back-Up DVD
This is the most important class you will ever take for digital scrapbooking! If you can't find your photos and supplies in your computer you'll be frustrated and won't accomplish anything. Organizing your scrapbook supplies and photos sounds boring but it's easy and essential to retain your sanity when dealing with thousands of digital photos and digital scrapbook elements. If you're just starting out digital scrapbooking this is the perfect class for you to take. If you've already accumulated a lot of digital photos and supplies it's not too late!
Learn how to: Instantly install the Organizer Back-Up DVD (Additional purchase required) so that the 1000+ items on the book DVD are instantly tagged for you.
Organize your photos so you can find them quickly by the person in the photo, the date the photo was taken, or by the event.
Organize your digital scrapbook supplies so that you can find them by color, type of element, designer, or theme in seconds flat.
Set up the Organizer to suit your particular organizing style.
Explore options for organizing photos and scrapbook supplies that you never thought were possible.
Back up your photos and digital scrapbook supplies to protect against a computer crash or natural disaster.
Keep track of the digital supplies you've used in the event you need to find them again or want to submit your page to a magazine for publication.
Easily set up different Organizer Catalogs to speed up your digi-scrapping. Import your photos and digital scrapbook supplies into your computer and understand where they are located on your computer.
Unzip folders.
Thursday November 5th 6-8 PM
Sun Fun Layout with Glimmer Mist and Mudd Puddles
You will learn great techniques making this layout using two of the hottest products available Glimmer Mists and Mudd Puddles. Fee $18
Saturday November 7th 1-3 PM
Cindy's Flower Soft Card Class
You will learn how to make the most of your Polar White Flower Soft. Fee $20
Saturday November 7th 6 PM-2 AM
Pajama Crop Be comfortable and come crop in your jammies. That way you can roll into bed at 2 AM after a long night of scrapbooking. We give prizes out to everyone in their jammies. We serve dinner, soft drinks and chocolate fondue. $15
Sunday November 8th 1-3 PM
Bo Bunny Card Class with Chrissy
Join Chrissy for more of her amazing layered cards using punches, glitter and lots of paper. Fee $22
Monday November 9th 6-8 PM
"Write" On!
Still wondering how to add more meaningful journaling to your scrapbooks? Join Gina A. to learn the art of story-telling on your pages. Each student will create a beautiful 6 x 6 scrapbook while learning WHAT and HOW to write, HANDWRITING tips, COMPUTER JOURNALING tips, How to add HIDDEN JOURNALING to your layouts, And MORE! Each student should bring:Paper trimmer & ScissorsAdhesiveFavorite journaling pen in BLACK A photo or embellishment that represents the following topics:(one for each topic)
Tuesday November 10th 6-8 PM
Holly Jolly Christmas Edgy album
Join Gina for this beautiful layered Christmas album using one of the newest Bo Bunny albums. Fee $29
Wednesday November 11th 6-8 PM &
Monday November 30th 6-8 PM
2nd class in new Digital Series
Laying a Groundwork
It's highly recommended that you complete #99A Organizing Your Digital Supplies (Windows users only) before you take this class. Learn the essentials of digital scrapbooking with Photoshop Elements. Even if you think you already know the basics you'll be surprised how much you'll learn in this class. We will complete a quick page in class.
Learn how to:· Open your photos & digital scrapbooking supplies in Photoshop Elements from the Organizer and from folders stored in your computer.
Easily customize Photoshop Elements to make digital scrapbooking easier. Understand the different file types available in Photoshop Elements and how to use them. Add photos to a quick page. Add text to a quick page.· Match the color of your journaling text to a color on your scrapbook page.
Recolor digital scrapbooking supplies.· Rotate images and individual layers.
Work with layers-Don't worry it's much easier than you think! Save and store your finished projects in various file types and understand why this is so important. Bring to class:· Book-Digital & Hybrid Scrapbooking & Card-Making with Photoshop Elements by Patty Debowski.· 4 pre-selected photos on a USB Stick (Best Method), camera memory card or CD to import. We will not have time to select photos in class.
Monday November 16th 6-8 PM
Scrapping 101
Intro to Scrapbooking with Gina - Gina will teach you all you need to know to make your first scrapbook pages. You will learn how to use tools, pick colors and how to adhere your photos safely. Fee $12
Sunday November 22nd 1-3 PM
Holiday Cards and Card Keeper with Unity Stamps
Join Lisa Hetrick for this mega card class where you will make 12 cards using 3 of her Unity Christmas rubber stamp sets and some Flower Soft, just for fun. Fee $25
Sunday November 28th 1-3 PM
Chrissy's KaiserCraft Fold-out Cards
Chrissy took a great accordion folded card and doubled it to create this beautiful gift card. You will also make a small card and gift box.Fee $19
Layout Club - Layout of the week Just $6. Ask for it at the front counter.You do not have to be a member of the layout club to get the layout. We make extras for non club members. Here is this week's Layout.
Here is a preview of Sunday's new layout.
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